App for IAID-Academy for dance, music and arts

Since I love music and dancing, I wanted to do something for this specific industry.

IAID Academy is an institute in Qatar that offers training and workshops for music, dance, and arts. Even though they had an existing website, it wasn’t responsive and they did not have a mobile app as well.

This is where I decided to step in and create a user experience design for their mobile app.

The process -


I started the process by conducting a thorough research to figure out What the pain points are? Who my users are? Why would they use the app? and Where will they be using it? I also met with the General Manager of IAID to understand the mission and vision behind the academy and what problems they would like to solve through the app. Through my research, I discovered that IAID lacked a proper mobile app and did not have a user-friendly platform to help people learn about their classes.


Once I had all the information and identified the users paint points, I used the affinity mapping method to find a pattern in my observation. I also identified my targetted user groups and created two personas that best represent them. My users included working-adults as well as parents of kids who would already be enrolled or want to enroll in the classes.

Wire-framing/ Prototyping

I moved on to building an information architecture and created some rough sketches or wireframes to understand design flows and how users would interact with the mobile app. In the end, I made the hi-fidelity prototype (shown above) in Invision to demonstrate to the board of IAID.


Since the purpose of this app was a pretty straightforward one, I proceeded with basic user-testing with a couple of people within my friends and family. I got some feedback in the process and incorporated them in my design.


The mobile app I designed for IAID had generated an average of 25% more enrollments over a period of 3 months as end users were able to easily find information about their classes and reach out.

Things I learned

Detailed user research through interviews with the academy and my targeted audience. 

Writing user stories and building personas

Building an information architecture

Developing hi-prototypes in Sketch and Invision


Chatbot messenger