Meet Sharmin

I am a multi-faceted professional with over 5 years of experience in digital media and design. I am currently pursuing my Masters in User Experience in Design from Arizona State University, and have graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a BSc. in Information Systems (track in user-centered design). I always had a keen interest in exploring the blend of design, technology, and people, and have constantly applied UX principles in my working methods. It fascinates me how technology has evolved throughout the years and how accessibility and designing for users have made a positive impact in everybody’s lives.

In the past, I wore multiple hats and have worked in content planning and creation, social media analysis, copy-writing, UX for corporate websites, as well as consulted with startups to improve their digital strategies. Though I have ample experience in these areas, my passion for UX is ever-growing because it closely aligns with my creative nature and personality. I care about people, and how they interact with products, leaving me to constantly wonder how to make their experiences seamless and effortless while using any product.

When I'm not trying to solve design challenges, you can find me at different dance workshops, ️binging on Netflix, and traveling around the world!