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Aatma Performing Arts is a renowned dance company in New jersey offering different services. As they keep growing, their website traffic has tremendously increased over the years. Through this study, I aim to improve the overall usability and enhance the user experience of the website such that it caters to its user needs as perfectly as possible.




Though they have a visually appealing website, initial user research and heuristic evaluation have revealed many issues with navigation, wayfinding, content quality, and booking processes affecting the user experience negatively. Being an established company, enhancing their quality of the website is crucial as this platform is the first place of visit for potential people interested in using Aatma’s services.

Though they have a visually appealing website, initial user research and heuristic evaluation have revealed many issues with navigation, wayfinding, content quality, and booking processes affecting the user experience negatively. Being an established company, enhancing their quality of the website is crucial as this platform is the first place of visit for potential people interested in using Aatma’s services.

Heuristics Evaluation

User Research

View detailed heuristics report here

I conducted an online survey to determine my targeted audience, their goals and pain points and also get an idea about how to approach making improvements for the website. The survey had 33 questions including user demographics, personality, goals and usability of the current sites and I recorded 11 responses.

Which services are they interested in?

Navigating around the site 

Tech knowledge

In the next step, we created 4 personas that best represent our target audience and the primary users of the website.

Detailed personas can be found here

User Stories

I performed another usability test by creating specific tasks within the domain of these three user stories. This test helped me to pinpoint issues within the website and understand the specifics of what we are trying to solve here.

Issues discovered

  1. As a prospective student, I want to find complete class information so that I can understand what their classes offer.

  2. As a person always on-the-go, I want to be able to find information quickly so that I can make quick decisions.

  3. As a performer, I want to be able to easily rent costumes at an affordable rate for my performances so that I don't have to worry about getting them stitched on time

Interactive Prototype

Things I learned

How to do heuristics evaluation

Creating user stories

Conducting think-aloud and task-based interviews




Chatbot messenger